* Name: Stergios
* From: Greece
* Age: 17
* Gender: Male
your character
* Name: Revz
* Class: Death Knight
* Race: Human
* Server: Neptulon
* Spec: Frost dw dps
* Do you have an off-spec? What and why? Unholy Pvp, And got it for Bgs and arena mostly
* Link to WoW Armory:
* Link a picture of your UI
* In what instances do you have experience in? also write down everything from vanilla wow TBC or WotLK!: Malygos 10/25, Naxx 10/25 , Ulduar 25 Till Yog Sarron, ICC 8/12 Voa 4/4 OS With 3 adds up.
* What are you using addons? (DBM, you already have, we assume): DBM, Recount, ButtonFacade, OmniCC, Overachiever, Dominos, Atlas Loot.
* Our raid days are on Sundays, Thursdays 20:00 to 23:30 ST, is it problem for you to come?: Perfect times and days
* Why should we take you into the raids? What can you give our raid that others can not?: I can provide a decent Dps , Brining Improved Icy talons with my too, as i talked with one of your members and you dont have an active Frost Dk raider.
* How do you take criticism? Im open minded, I open for suggestions how to improve my self.
* Do you have any fps drops when you play?: No, playing at 40 - 30 fps inside ICC. 80 Outside raids.
* What is your speed of your Internet?: Pretty fast, never DCs.
* Is your internet stable?: Yep
* Do you have ventrilo?: Yep
* Do you talk alot or are you shy?: I can talk if needed for sure.
* Are you ok with that Scandianvian Languages may occur in the guild chat (Dont worry we stick to english on ventrilo to make sure everyone understands): I dont have a problem at all.
* In which guilds have you been in before? And why did you leave them?: Im new to Neptulon server trasnfered a week ago, I was on Arathor, and been on Prophecy and Isolated Singularity.
* Do you know anyone in this guild? Not Really