* Name: Ana
* From: Croatia
* Age: 36
* Gender: Female
your character
* Name: Hawkmoon
* Class: Priest
* Race: Night Elf
* Server: Neptulon
* Spec: Holy
* Do you have an off-spec? What and why?
Discipline; I prefare specs which provide strong healing abilities
* Link to WoW Armory:
* Link a picture of your UI: I use standard UI + grid when raiding. Not much to post tbh.
* In what instances do you have experience in? also write down everything from vanilla wow TBC or WotLK!:
I started playing wow in summer 2005 and during the time I have changed several main characters. Some for challenge some for social reasons. With them I have done MC, Aq 20 and 40, almost all TBC major instances as well as Ulduar and Naxx in WotLK. I would be more than happy to provide details if anyone will require them. With this character I have done ICC 10 11/12 and ICC 25 4/12, VoA 10 and 25, some Ulduar bosses and Naxx as well.
* What are you using addons? (DBM, you already have, we assume): DBM, Omen, Decursive (old habits die hard) and grid
* Our raid days are on Sundays, Thursdays 20:00 to 23:00 ST, is it problem for you to come?: It is perfect as far as I am concerned
* Why should we take you into the raids? What can you give our raid that others can not?: I am a good learner and I come to raids prepared. I do not whine and I am friendly. I am an experienced healer who likes healing and does not plan to change that.
* How do you critique? Hmm, I am not sure how to answer this one... I do not criticize anyone
* Do you have any fps drops when you play?: Very, very rarely.
* What is your speed of your Internet?: ADSL, very fast
* Is your internet stable?: Yes it is.
* Do you have ventrilo?: Yes
* Do you talk alot or are you shy?: Depends on topic, person and percentage of alcohol in my bloodstream.
* Are you ok with that Scandianvian Languages may occur in the guild chat (Dont worry we stick to english on ventrilo to make sure everyone understands): I don't mind ppl using whatever language in the guild chat
* In which guilds have you been in before? And why did you leave them?:
With Hawkmoon I was in Ghost, a social guild in which all members are friends. Than I joined Bulwark Sinners, a 10 men raiding guild. Unfortunately, a stream of troublesome events had happened in my rl and I wasn't logging on for a long time. Posting a note on the guild forum crossed my mind rather too late. I was kicked and I don't blame them for that. I haven't been playing a lot during the summer.
* Do you know anyone in this guild?